Kingston is the capital of Jamaica, has a population of about one million leaving around the bay area, and a busy port. Yet there is pretty good diving right in Kingston with the view of the downtown (almost). We dove with Yardie divers – the only operator in Kingston. They organize dives on Sundays depending on weather conditions. There are a few wrecks in the bay. This is also the only place where we saw nurse sharks on multiple occasions.
The boat departs from Port Royal. Port Royal was a major port and the center of all the pirate activity in the Caribbean back in the 17th century. It was known as “the wickedest city on earth”, though one can never be sure how one would measure such a thing. But definitely its was a major pirate port with drinking, gambling and brothels. But then a major earthquake in 1692 destroyed it. The earthquake and tidal wav. and literally took under water 60 percent of the city, and presumably all the ships and treasure. It is not allowed to dive around old Port Royal (special permit for archeological and research purposes is required). There might still be some treasure hidden there, though it was looted heavily ever since it went under water more than 300 years ago.

Few people choose to stay in Kingston if they are in Jamaica on a holiday. But if you are in Kingston – jumping in for a dive is definitely a good option. One can also dive many locations as a day trip from Kingston. Port Antonio, Oracabessa, Ocho Rios, Runaway Bay, Rio Bueno, all are doable on a day trip.