We dove in early March in Jupiter, Florida. The dives were the best we had on the Atlantic, though to be fair we only dove in the Caribbean up till now. This was the end of the season for lemon sharks that aggregate in the area during January – March. We saw several lemon sharks, reef sharks and nurse sharks, goliath groupers, schools of reef fish, turtles and healthy looking reef. Current was strong for nice drifts in good visibility. Video has the highlights from our six dives over two days.
We were really impressed with all the marine life and healthy state of coral. Reportedly the reef here did not suffer as badly during the bleaching in the past couple of years that decimated the reef further south in Florida and in the Caribbean. All the big schools of good size reef fish also are a clear demonstration that restrictions on what can and cannot be fished do work. It was just so good to see all the fish life, unlike empty reefs we saw in Jamaica for example.

We dove with Jupiter Dive Center. They run an excellent operation with 2 boats. We did 3 dives a day. The group is about 10 people. All the dives we did were drift dives. Visibility was good. Temperature in March was C24 and 5mil suit with a hood was enough. We hired all the equipment and it was in a very good condition.

Jupiter is a nice town in what feels like a continuous conurbation of South Florida coast. Accommodation is plentiful though not cheap. We really enjoyed sitting in one of the restaurants over the water across from the lighthouse watching boats go by at sunset. Nothing better after a full day of shark diving.