Malaysia is a major tourist destination in South East Asia for a good reason. There is a broad range of options to choose from – tracking and river cruising through the jungle teaming with wild life, beautiful beaches, superb diving, diverse cultures, delicious food and lively city scene. We so far focused on Malayisa’s nature attractions in Sabah with trips to dive in Sipadan, track in Danum forest, go down Kinabatangan river and climb Mt. Kinabalu.
Malaysia: Diving
Sipadan – is considered to be one of the top diving destinations in the world. You can see sharks, big schools of barracuda and big schools of jacks all on the same dive, schools of bumphead parrot fish, lots of turtles and wide variety of reef fish. Read more

Malaysia: Topside
Danum Forest – is one of the best remaining primary forest areas in South East Asia where you can see orangutans, gibbons, various monkeys and variety of birds. Read more

Sepilok & Kinabatangan River – Sepilok orangutang rehabilitation center is where you are guaranteed to see orangutans in Sabah. Kinabatangan river tours allow to see variety of monkeys, macaques, might see orangutang and Borneo pygmy elephant. Read more

Mt. Kinabalu – is the highest mountain between Himalayas and New Guinea at 4,096 metres (13,438 ft) above sea level. Read more